For Sale $10,000 (sold)
To most players this violin is my sweetest and best sounding violin, but it is not quite as loud as the two violins listed below, which are loud enough to be considered soloist violins. This violin has more than adequate volume for Orchestra work or Chamber music, it is approximately 200 years old, and has the richness and character associated with fine antique Italian violins. We have had Peter Ratcliff, one of the world's top dendrochronologists, analyse the wood grain, determining that the newest grain on the violin top dates from around 1800. This indicates the violin was probably made somewhere between 1805 and 1820. This concurs with the expert appraiser we had who dated it roughly 1790, as a violin most likely Italian, almost certainly not German or Eastern European, but he couldn't rule out French. The maker is a mystery as there is no label however in pencil inside is written Reparit 1889? E. Hoffman?? something??. The instrument is in well repaired state with several cracks on the top that are barely visible, no soundpost cracks, and a genuinely grafted scroll. My expert appraiser friend told me if this violin is Italian, as he thinks it probably is, it would be worth $30,000 if we can't identify the maker, and $50,000+ if we could, and even if it is French it would still be worth $15,000. My pricing reflects the fact that my appraiser was not able to state with 100% certainty that the violin is definitely Italian.

For Sale $5,000 (sold)
This is an instrument with true soloist potential, loud enough to lead an Orchestra. This violin has a very rich and brilliant tone, you really need to play it to appreciate what is has to offer the discerning musician on a budget. It is definitely a French violin originating in Mirecourt, but presumably finished in the workshop of the famous Lyonese maker Paul Blanchard, and bears his label, from 1890. The very old and genuine looking label reads; Fait par Paul Blanchard a Lyon ca 1890 no 211. And P BLANCHARD * LYON is stamped in the wood above the label. Hand made Paul Blanchard violins sell for $25,000+ but a workshop violin of this caliber is worth about $7,000. The violin is in excellent condition with no cracks of any kind, only natural, not artificial wear to the varnish.

For Sale $5,000
This is a remarkably well-preserved violin presumably by one of the best violin makers working in Markneukirchen, Saxony around 1800.. The label, which has been judged by a top expert to be original, reads; Johann Gottlob Ficker. Vilino Correlpentent Romani Cremona 93. While he claims a connection to Italy, he was actually a German maker living in Markneukirchen, its a mystery if the 93 refers to 1793, which is the time period he was building, but I found another instrument with an identical label went for around $5,500 at auction. The sound is warm, rich, even and resonant, with the complexity of tone that over 200 years of age can give. The violin has its original varnish in very good condition with only natural wear, a genuine neck scroll graft, and surprisingly no cracks of any kind that I can find which is very rare for an instrument this old. The volume is good, plenty loud enough for Orchestral work, but maybe a tiny bit less than what one would consider a soloist volume. All in all a great instrument with a great pedigree, and a solid resale value. Quite a few auction prices for this maker are higher than what I am asking.

For Sale $1400
This is just one of five baroque, baroque transitional violins I have for sale right now, ranging in price from $1200 to $2000. As many of you may be aware, the modern set up violin as we know it did not come about until after 1800, necks were lengthened, the neck was mortised into the top block, and the neck angle was made steeper so that the modern flatter fingerboard could be fitted. Baroque and baroque transitional violins have a wedged fingerboard that gets thicker as it approaches the body, not even thickness on the side like the modern fingerboard, bridges could be different, the tailpieces had the tailgut looped through the top of the tailpiece and tied in a knot under the endpin, the strings were pure gut for the D, A and E, and silver wrapped gut for the G. The fingerboards were often shorter, and the curve of the bridge somewhat flatter. All this makes for instruments more appropriate for people wanting to play baroque and early classical era music in the way it would have sounded and been played originally. The baroque transitional type violin continued to be made well into the 1800s, but the modern violin made them less and less common as time progressed.
This is a good example of an early 1800s Saxon transitional violin, which for all intensive purposes is built just like 1700s baroque original violins. The violin is in very good condition with no cracks, modern reproduction maple fingerboard, tailpiece and bridge have been fit. Best quality Gamut gut strings are used, this is sort of a beginner baroque type violin for someone trying to get their feet wet in Historically Informed Practice, and experience the wonder of genuine gut strings, which were still being used by Artists like Jascha Heifetz well into the 20th century. The sound is bright and surprisingly loud, as I have found best results using heavier gauge gut strings as was the practice historically from what we can gather.
I have over 60 instrument finished ready for sale ranging from 1/2 size children's violin, to full size violins and violas, and even one 3/4 cello. I specialize in student to intermediate grade violins in the $300-$2,500 price range with a few budget professional violins at higher prices. I only sell antiques almost all over 100 years old. Here are just a few of what I have for sale. Violins come with a good student bow and a case included in the price. I offer full purchase price credit towards trade ins to more expensive instruments.
!/2 size $300-600, 3/4 size $300-700
1956 and 1958 Ernst Heinrich Roth, Erlangen $2,500 ea
my best sounding violin circa 1850, looks Italian but probably not $4000
really old Hopf looking violin with fake Italian label $2500
Hopf stamped production violin with good sound $2000
2 JTL Mirecourt French violins $1000 ea
E Martin and Co, Amati model $1500
3 JA Baader and Co, Mittenwald $1200 ea
200+ yr old German or Austrian violin with grafted scroll $2000
Antonio Loveri trade violin $2000
Joseph Bitterer, Mittenwald $2500
6 violas including 16" Josef Bitterer, Mittenwald $2500
Suzuki 3/4 cello $600